
Basic Usage

Throughout this documentation, keep in mind everything in Blueprint is configurable. You are not using a framework so don’t be afraid to change code. You don’t need to use any of the components included with Blueprint, but it does give you a nice foundation to start from. If you want to use YAML instead of JSON, it’s recommended to create a wrapper library in the lib folder and then load your env.yaml file via the blueprint.go file.

Jay Command: env

One of the first steps before using Blueprint is to create env.json. You can make a copy of env.json.example and then name it env.json, just be sure to generate a new AuthKey, EncryptKey, and CSRFKey in the Session section.

You can also use jay to create the env.json file with new session keys. Just CD to the blueprint folder and then run: jay env make

Here are the commands you can use with jay env:

# Create a new env.json file from env.json.example with newly generated session keys
jay env make

# Show a new set of session keys that can be copied and pasted into env.json
jay env keyshow

# Generate a new set of session keys and automatically apply them to env.json
env env keyupdate

The env.json file is a good place to set variables for the application so you don’t have to hardcode them. If you want to add any of your own settings, you can add them to env.json and update the Info struct in the lib/env package. Here is an example env.json:



When you move your application to production, you should make the following changes:

  • Set Server.Hostname to the server
  • Set Server.UseHTTPS to true
  • Generate a certificate and key for HTTPS and place in the tls folder
  • Set Session.Secure to true

Configuration Structure

The env.json file contains the configuration for Blueprint and Jay. It removes the need to hardcode any of these values and makes it easy to move Blueprint to another system with a different setup. The env.json file is parsed to the Info struct from the lib/env package:


// Info contains the application settings.
type Info struct {
  Asset      asset.Info    `json:"Asset"`
  Email      email.Info    `json:"Email"`
  Form       form.Info     `json:"Form"`
  Generation generate.Info `json:"Generation"`
  MySQL      mysql.Info    `json:"MySQL"`
  Server     server.Info   `json:"Server"`
  Session    session.Info  `json:"Session"`
  Template   view.Template `json:"Template"`
  View       view.Info     `json:"View"`
  path       string

The Info struct is a container that nests structs from packages in the Core library that need variables configured. The Path variable is the location of the env.json file. Here is a list mapping the JSON keys to structs:

Asset     - Info struct in core/asset
Email     - Info struct in core/email
Form      - Info struct in core/form
Generate  - Info struct in core/generate
MySQL     - Info struct in core/mysql
Server    - Info struct in core/server
Session   - Info struct in core/session
Template  - Template struct in core/view
View      - Info struct in core/view

Using Flight

The flight package provides access to the session variables, env.json settings, database connections, views, and general shortcuts. It’s mostly designed for controllers, but it can be used by other packages as well.

To use package, you would call the flight.Context() function like this:

// Index displays the items.
func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c := flight.Context(w, r)

	items, _, err := note.ByUserID(c.DB, c.UserID)
	if err != nil {
		items = []note.Item{}

	v := c.View.New("note/index")
	v.Vars["items"] = items
	v.Render(w, r)

Flight needs a http.ResponseWriter and a http.Request so it can access the sessions variables and provide shortcuts for the following tasks:

  • reading URL parameters: c.Param(name string)
  • redirecting to a page: c.Redirect(urlStr string)
  • validation a form and sets a flash message: c.FormValid(fields …string)
  • repopulating a form: c.Repopulate(v map[string]interface{}, fields …string)
  • setting flash messages and then saving the session: c.FlashSuccess(message string)

Flight also provides access to the following:

  • configuration settings from env.json: c.Config.Asset.Folder
  • session: c.Sess.Values["email"]
  • current user ID: c.UserID
  • view package: c.View.New("home/index")
  • database connection: items, _, err := note.ByUserID(c.DB, c.UserID)

It is not a requirement to use the flight package, but it makes working with the different web components much easier. Feel free to modify the package to fit your needs. Just make sure it is thread-safe.

Enable HTTPS

To enable HTTPS:

  1. Set UseHTTPS to true in the env.json file
  2. Create a folder called tls in the project root folder
  3. Place your own certificate and key files in the tls folder

Note: If you want to redirect HTTP to HTTPS, you can set RedirectToHTTPS to true in the env.json file as well.

Tip: Add a Section

To add a new key called Captcha, your workflow would consist of the following:

  1. Create a new package in the lib folder called captcha
  2. Create a struct called Info in the lib/captcha package
  3. Add the struct to the Info struct in the lib/env package
  4. Add the Captcha key and any values to the env.json file
  5. Add code to the RegisterServices() function in the lib/boot package to pass the any additional settings to the lib/flight package at start up
  6. Add code to your controllers that references uses flight.Context() to retrieve your lib/captcha package settings

Tip: Remove a Section

To remove the Email key, your workflow would consist of the following:

  1. Remove the Email key and value from the env.json file
  2. Remove the Email nested struct from the Info struct in the lib/env package
  3. Remove any code setting up the package from the RegisterServices() function in the boot package
  4. Remove the lib/email package from the filesystem
  5. Find any references to the lib/email package in your code using the jay command line, jay find . "lib/email", then delete the imports and referencing code