
It helps to understand the folder structure so you know where each of the components lives.

Blueprint Structure

The project is organized into the following folders:

|----dynamic/    - private assets like SASS files, single JavaScript files, and logo.png for favicon generation
|----static/     - public assets like CSS, JavaScript, and favicon.ico for Android, Apple, etc
controller/      - packages with routes and application logic
filestorage/     - files uploaded from an HTML form
generate/          - template pairs (.gen and .json) for generating code using jay
lib/             - packages you'll build that are used by the application (recommended to build with minimum dependencies)
|----boot/       - package for registering services and setting up all the components
|----env/        - package that holds the structure for the application settings
|----flight/     - package with a context that can be used by controllers to access application settings
middleware/      - packages that return a http.Handler to wrap around routes for ACL, request logging, etc
migration/       - migration database files
|----mysql/      - MySQL files for migrating database up and down
model/             - packages with database queries and structs matching tables
view/            - HTML templates parsed using the Go html/template package
viewfunc/        - packages that return a template.FuncMap for use in views
viewmodify/      - packages that modify view prior to rendering to add varibles like CSRF token and auth level

The following files exist at the project root:

blueprint.go     - entrypoint for the application
env.json.example - application config template for variables
gulpfile.js      - Gulp configuration that compiles SASS, concatenates JavaScript, etc
package.json     - npm configuration that loads Gulp, Boostrap, Underscore.js, etc

Blueprint External Go Packages

There are a few external packages used in Blueprint:              - registry for global request variables                 - CSRF protection for gorilla sessions             - cookie and filesystem sessions          - MySQL driver              - HTTP router with wildcards                 - MySQL general purpose extensions               - middleware chaining              - password hashing algorithm

Jay Structure

The project is simply a command-line interface for packages in the Core library The packages that Jay uses from the Core library are:

env/       - package that creates and updates the env.json config file
find/      - package that finds case-sensitive matched text in files
generate/  - package that generates code from template pairs
migrate/   - package that handles the database migrations
replace/   - package that replaces case-sensitive matched text in files

The following file exists at the project root of Jay:

jay.go     - entrypoint for the application

Jay External Go Packages

There is only one external packages used in Jay (not including the Core library):    - command-line and flag parser

Core Structure

The Core project contains many packages that are all divided into individual folders. Each is well documented so the GoDoc page should provide enough information on each one.