
Basic Usage

Middleware, in the context of Go, is applied during routing to provide features like request/response logging, access controls lists (ACLs), and header modification. Middleware is either applied to every request (like for request logging) or specified routes (like for ACLs).

There are a few pieces of middleware included. The package called csrf protects against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. The logrequest package will log every request made against the website to the console. The rest package allows the HTTP method to be changed during a form submission to DELETE or PATCH instead of POST.

Creating Middleware

An example of a piece of middleware that is applied to every request is middleware/logrequest. When a page is requested, the middleware will print to the console: the time of the request, remote IP address, HTTP method, and the URL requested.


// Package logrequest provides an http.Handler that logs when a request is
// made to the application and lists the remote address, the HTTP method,
// and the URL.
package logrequest

import (

// Handler will log the HTTP requests.
func Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Println(time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 03:04:05 PM"), r.RemoteAddr, r.Method, r.URL)
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

This is an example of the minimum code required for middleware:

// Handler
func Handler(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Logic BEFORE the other handlers and function goes here
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
        // Logic AFTER the other handlers and function goes here


The more middleware you use, the more it stacks up like this and makes it hard to read:

return context.ClearHandler(rest.Handler(logrequest.Handler(setUpCSRF)))

Before justinas/alice, a workaround was to use a variable and reassign it multiple times like this:

h = setUpCSRF(h)
h = logrequest.Handler(h)
h = rest.Handler(h)
return context.ClearHandler(h)

You can see chaining in action in controller/notepad where the controller uses the router.ChainHandler() function. The function is a wrapper for the justinas/alice package which makes using middleware more scalable and a little “prettier”. If you look at the lib/boot package, you’ll see the ChainHandler() function. There is also a Chain() function that can be used to chain middleware for routes or to pass to ChainHandler().

// Apply middleware to routes individually
router.Get("/notepad", Index, acl.DisallowAnon, logrequest.Handler)
router.Get("/notepad/create", Create, acl.DisallowAnon, logrequest.Handler)

// Use Chain() to apply middleware
c := router.Chain(acl.DisallowAnon, logrequest.Handler)
router.Get("/notepad", Index, c...)
router.Get("/notepad/create", Create, c...)

// Pass Chain() to ChainHandler()
c := router.Chain( // Chain middleware, bottom runs first
    h,                    // Handler to wrap
    setUpCSRF,            // Prevent CSRF
    rest.Handler,         // Support changing HTTP method sent via query string
    logrequest.Handler,   // Log every request
    context.ClearHandler, // Prevent memory leak with gorilla.sessions
return router.ChainHandler(c...)

ChainHandler() accepts one or more of the http.Handler type and returns a http.Handler.

Chain() accepts one or more of the http.Handler type and returns an array of the alice.Constructor type.

Apply to Every Request

In blueprint.go, the application calls boot.SetUpMiddleware(router.Instance()) which applies the middleware to the router. The middleware is called on every request.


// SetUpMiddleware contains the middleware that applies to every request.
func SetUpMiddleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return router.ChainHandler( // Chain middleware, top middlware runs first
        h,                    // Handler to wrap
        setUpCSRF,            // Prevent CSRF
        rest.Handler,         // Support changing HTTP method sent via query string
        logrequest.Handler,   // Log every request
        context.ClearHandler, // Prevent memory leak with gorilla.sessions

Apply to Specific Routes

In controller/notepad, the application creates a chain of middleware and then applies it to only certain routes. In this scenario, the pages are only accessible if the user is authenticated.


func Load() {
    // Add middleware that disallows anonymous access
    c := router.Chain(acl.DisallowAnon)

    // Map HTTP methods and URLs to functions wrapped in the middleware chain
    router.Get("/notepad", Index, c...)
    router.Get("/notepad/create", Create, c...)
    router.Post("/notepad", Store, c...)
    router.Get("/notepad/view/:id", Show, c...)
    router.Get("/notepad/edit/:id", Edit, c...)
    router.Patch("/notepad/edit/:id", Update, c...)
    router.Delete("/notepad/:id", Destroy, c...)